Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mark Muhannad Ayyash

The Middle East and Islamic Consortium of British Columbia is thrilled to have Dr. Mark Muhannad Ayyash as the Keynote Speaker for MEICON 2023. His lecture, titled “Decolonial Sovereignties in Palestine: The Intifada’s Popular Committees as a Guide Towards a Decolonial Life”, will begin at 10:00am in Allard 105. For the full conference program, click here.

Professor Mark Muhannad Ayyash is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Mount Royal University. His research draws from anti-racist, decolonial, and critical hermeneutic approaches to social theory and analysis. Driven by questions about relations of power, justice, as well as political and social change, his research has largely focused on violence, settler colonial sovereignty, decolonial sovereignties, as well as social movements, particularly focusing on the Palestinian struggle. His publications include the book, A Hermeneutics of Violence: A Four-Dimensional Conception, as well as a co-edited volume titled Protests and Generations: Legacies and Emergences in the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean. His work has appeared in journals such as Critical Sociology, Studies in Social Justice, the Journal of Visual Culture and many others. He is also a public intellectual with numerous editorial pieces published on Al-Jazeera and other prominent news and editorial sites.