Presented by the Middle East and Islamic Consortium of British Columbia (MEICON-BC) and organized by UBC Middle East Studies (MES).
March 26, 2022, 8:30am to 5:40pm
Allard Hall
University of British Columbia
This year, MEICON takes place at UBC’s Vancouver Point Grey campus, which is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam). We express our gratitude to the traditional caretakers of these lands and waters, and acknowledge that many of us are uninvited guests on their territories.
Welcome to the annual MEICON-BC student conference. We are delighted to host you at UBC Vancouver. With over 30 papers and presenters from across BC and North America, and subjects spanning vast geographical and temporal realms, the conference is proving once again to be a vibrant affair. In bringing graduate and undergraduate students together with faculty, we aim to foster a nurturing environment for budding scholars and researchers to share their work and receive feedback and support. We also seek to expand and strengthen a lively community in BC dedicated to the study of the Middle East and Islam. Thank you for contributing to these missions. We hope you enjoy your time with MEICON and UBC and look forward to meeting you in due course.
Pheroze Unwalla, PhD
Chair, Middle East Studies, UBC
The Middle East and Islamic Consortium of British Columbia (MEICON-BC) is a collaborative project of Simon Fraser University, the University of Victoria, and the University of British Columbia. Its purpose is to provide an organizational basis for communication and cooperation among British Columbian academics interested in the study of the Middle East and Muslim societies and cultures.
Conference Chair & Organizer
Pheroze Unwalla
Conference Committee
Sophie Roth
Sanad Tabbaa
Ebba Hooft-Toomey
Ayşe Kabaca
Magdalen Hamilton
& The Middle East Studies Student Association (MESSA)
Planning & Communications Committee
Winnie Chen
Amanda Lim
Raven Toth
Volunteer Committee
Yasmina Seifeddine
Abril Soewarso-Rivera
Ava Tabatabaei
With financial support from:
Faculty of Arts, UBC
Department of History, UBC
Middle East Studies, UBC
Asian Studies, UBC
Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and Cultures, SFU
With special thanks to:
The Staff at First Year and Interdisciplinary Programs (FYIP), UBC